Learn more about the diverse activities of the National Center for Smart Growth through the links below.
Research and Publications
Search and gain access to the NCSG's repository. In the future, our research and publications will be stored in the University of Maryland's Digital Repository system. But in the meantime, you can continue to search the NCSG's research through our archived site.
Tools and Technical Assistance
The NCSG has worked to develop a suite of planning and community development tools for several recent projects, including the Purple Line Dashboard, the Purple Line Story Map, a customizable Opportunity Mapping tool, and the Maryland Statewide Transportation Model.
Training Initiatives
The NCSG offers leadership programs and the tools to address complex and interdependent issues for elected leadership, city managers and planners, and civil society and community-based organizations. Learn more...
Progress Reports
On a generally biennial basis, the NCSG publishes progress reports highlighting the major efforts and accomplishments of the Center's faculty, staff and students. The reports are a great way to catch up on what we've be doing. Read the reports...
Webinar Series
On occasion, the NCSG will host brownbag lunch seminars on topics of academic and practical importance to planners and other policy makers. Whenever possible, these presentation are broadcast live as webinars. Learn more...
Notice of Submission Intent (NOSI)
To alert Architecture Planning and Preservation of your intentions to submit a proposal, please complete this form.
Please submit at least one month in advance of deadline.