David Newburn

NCSG Affiliate

David Newburn is an associate professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Maryland. His applied research and policy outreach focuses on two main areas: (1) land-use regulations for the preservation of farmland and forests; and (2) water quality and the Chesapeake Bay. He has worked extensively on spatial models of land-use change for managing urban sprawl and has examined the effectiveness of land-use policies to protect forest and farmland. Dr. Newburn’s work on water quality and the Chesapeake Bay evaluates the effectiveness of voluntary incentive-based programs, like subsidies for adopting household urban stormwater management practices and agricultural conservation practices, as well as water quality trading. His research has been funded by the EPA, NSF, USDA, 


Dr. Newburn also has extensive experience in multidisciplinary research groups and committees. He is a collaborator on the NSF funded Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) and was appointed to serve on the Chesapeake Bay Program Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC). He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.

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Agricultural and Resource Economics University of Maryland
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