Public Policy and Urban Planning – Theory and Empirical Analysis

July 17-26, 2006


Lecturers: Gerrit Knaap, Yan Song, and Chengri Ding;

Senior Assistant: Arnab Chakraborty


Urban Policy and Planning




July 17 (Mon): AM
















Introducing this Module


Urban problems as market failures  (Dr. Knaap)


  • Moore, T., 1978, Why Allow Planners to do What They Do? A Justification from Economic Theory, Journal of the American Institute of Planners, October: 387-97.
  • Brueckner, Jan K. Urban sprawl: Diagnosis and remedies, International Regional Science Review 23 (2000) 160-171.



Public Pricing  (Dr. Knaap)


  • Bird, Richard M., Getting it right: Financing urban development in china


July 17 (Mon): PM






Introducing scientific methods (Dr. Knaap)

  • Yang, Yung Y, Basic Concepts of Research in Economics


Introducing Portland and Portland-area data (Arnab Chakraborty)

July 18 (Tue): AM

















Hedonic price theory (Dr. Knaap)

·        Rosen, S., "Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets:  Product Differentiation in Pure Competition," Journal of Political Economy, January 1974.


Hedonic price examples (Dr. Knaap)

·       Brigham, Eugene F., 1965, The Determinants of Residential Land Values, Land Economics 41, 325-334.

·       Potepan; Michael J. 1996, Explaining Intermetropolitan Variation in Housing Prices, Rents and Land Prices, Real Estate Economics, Vol. 24.


July 18 (Tue): PM












Hedonic Studies using Portland-area data (Dr. Knaap)

·     Knaap, Gerrit J., Chengri Ding, and Lewis Hopkins, Does Planning Matter? 2001, The Effects of Light Rail Plans on Land Values in Station Areas, Journal of Planning, Education, and Research, 21,1: 32-39.

·     Song, Yan and Gerrit-Jan Knaap, 2003, New Urbanism and Housing Values: A Disaggregate Assessment, Journal of Urban Economics, 54: 218-238.


Introducing statistical analysis  (Arnab Chakraborty)

July 19 (Wed): AM












Zoning and land use controls (Dr. Knaap)

NEW: Smart Growth Principle (T. Moore)

NEW: Zoning and Land Use Controls (G. Knaap)

·        Pendall, R. 2000. “Local land-use regulation and the chain of exclusion,” Journal of the American Planning Association 66: 125-142

·       Quigley, John and Larry Rosenthal, The Effects of Land Use Regulation on the Price of Housing: what do we know, what can we learn?


Growth management and UGBs (Dr. Knaap)

·        Knaap, Gerrit J. 1985. The price effects of UGB in Metropolitan Portland, Oregon. Land Economics 61(1): 28-35.

·        Schwartz, S.I., and P. Zorn, 1988, A Critique of Quasiexperimental and Statistical Controls for Measuring Program Effects: Application to Urban Growth Control, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 7,3: 491-505.

July 19 (Wed): PM






Regression analysis (Dr. Knaap and Arnab Chakraborty)



Working Session

July 20 (Thu): AM












Growth management and housing markets (Dr. Song)

·     Song, Y. (In press), “The Spillover Effects of Growth Management Constraints on Housing New Construction,” in C. Connerly, T. Chapin, and H. Higgins (eds), Regulating Development in the Sunshine State: Evaluating Florida’s Growth Management Approach. Ashgate Publishing Limited.


Housing Submarkets – heterogeneous demands  (Dr. Song)

·     Song, Y. and R. Quercia (2005), “Are home buyers aware of different neighborhood design: Defining housing submarkets.” Journal of Housing Economics.

July 20 (Thu): PM








Affordable Housing (Dr. Song)

·     Song, Y. and Y. Zenou (2006), “Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water: Suggestions to redevelopment policies of urban villages in China.” Urban Studies.


Policy analysis (Dr. Knaap and Arnab Chakraborty)

July 21 (Fri): AM














Measuring Urban Forms (Dr. Song)

·        Song, Yan and Gerrit J. Knaap, (2004), “Internally Connected, No Commercial, With a Touch of Open Space: The Neighborhoods of New Homes in the Portland Metropolitan Area.” Journal of Urban Design, submitted.

·        Song, Y. (2005), “Smart growth and urban development pattern: A comparative study.”  International Regional Science Review, 28(2): 239-265.


Implications of urban form (Dr. Song)

·       Song, Y., G. Gee, Y. Fan, and D. Takeuchi (2005), “Do physical neighborhood characteristics matter in predicting traffic stress and health outcome?” Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior.

July 21 (Fri): PM




Regression diagnostics (Dr. Knaap and Dr. Song)

Working Session & Trouble shooting workshop

July 24 (Mon): AM












Public Finance and Urban Development (Dr. Song)

·                  W. E. Oates, R. M. Schwab, The impact of urban land taxation: The Pittsburgh experience, National Tax Journal 50 (1997) 1—21.

·                  J.K. Brueckner, H. Kim, Urban sprawl and the property tax, International Tax and Public Finance 10 (2003) 5-23.



Property Tax and Urban Sprawl (Dr. Song)

·          Song, Y. and Y. Zenou (2005), “Property taxation and urban sprawl.” Journal of Urban Economics. Submitted.

July 24 (Mon): PM




Group 1 & 2 presentations

Group 3 & 4 presentations

July 25 (Tue): AM









Transportation, Urbanization, and Development (Dr. Song)

·                 Ingram, G.K. Patterns of Metropolitan Development: What Have We Learned? Urban Studies, Jun98.

·                  Ingram, G.K. and Liu, Z. Motorization and Road Provision.


Land Use and Transportation Integration (Dr. Song)

·       Y. Song (2006). Land use and transportation integration: theory, policy, and tools. Working report.

July 25 (Tue): PM




Group 5 & 6 presentations

Group 7 & 8 presentations