NSF West Baltimore Project
UPDATE and CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Frias-Martinez! New Award, October 2020: The National Science Foundation has awarded Dr. Frias-Martinez (and team) a $2.35 million grant to improve public transit planning in Baltimore entitled Be an Advocate for pubLic TransportatiOn: BALTO - Award Abstract # 1951924; their website is here. BALTO's goal is to identify socioeconomic disparities within large public transit systems. The public transportation planning process often overlooks the needs of low-income residents whose commutes often involve multiple bus transfers with long wait times, along with potentially a light rail ride or the use of a rented electric scooter. The BALTO project will use rider data collected via smartphone apps to identify needed improvements to Baltimore's public transit system.
UPDATE: May 2020: COVID-19 has exposed the true depth of the digital divide in low-income urban communities; it has turned the homework divide into an education divide and left unconnected adults without access to crucial information, support programs, and mobile health solutions. Innovative, immediate solutions – during the peak pandemic months and long into the future – are available and include options such as outfitting buses to serve as “mega-hot-spots” with broadcast radii of 500 feet (1.5 football fields), and outfitting multi-unit apartments with wireless broadband connectivity through rooftop-mounted fixed antenna systems. A strong coalition of willing partners and stakeholders has the potential to immediately deliver essential broadband internet connectivity – now widely recognized as a social determinant of health – to vulnerable communities within a matter of weeks. FOLLOW OUR PROGRESS.
Using Technology to Meet the Needs of West Baltimore Residents Report
Data-Driven Decision Making in West Baltimore for Smart Technology Planning Report
First Things First: Laying the foundation for a Smart City Report
West Baltimore NSF Summary Workshop – July 12, 2018
Findings from a new multi-university study underscored that a lack of resources—not lack of resourcefulness— prevents residents from accessing opportunities and benefiting from safe, healthy communities in West Baltimore. The research, which was presented to city officials, academic partners, and community stakeholders from industry and non-profits, is the result of a Smart and Connected Communities planning grant from the National Science Foundation to understand how cities like Baltimore can employ “smart city” technology—such as smart street lights and citywide wi-fi—strategically and equitably to promote quality of life for all residents, particularly those in traditionally disadvantaged communities. The multidisciplinary effort was led by the National Center for Smart Growth and the iSchool at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD), along with colleagues from the University of Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, and Morgan State University. Leveraging long-term community relationships with community leaders and organizations—including the Arch Social Club, Robert C. Marshall Community Center, and Renaissance Academy—researchers organized a series of facilitated community conversations over the past year to identify problems that could be addressed through the implementation of technology. This methodology went beyond uncovering urgent community needs—which includes public safety, youth engagement, jobs and transportation—by exploring how the residents currently view and use technology. Speakers at the Summary Workshop included Shonte Eldridge, Baltimore City Deputy Chief of Operations; Don Linebaugh, Interim Dean of the University of Maryland College Park’s School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation; Gerrit Knaap, Professor and Director of the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland, College Park; Sheri Parks, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Maryland Institute College of Art; Willow Lung-Amam, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies and Planning at the University of Maryland; Seema Iyer, Associate Director of the Jacob France Institute, University of Baltimore; and Katherine Klosek, Director of Applied Research at the Center for Government Excellence (GovEx) at Johns Hopkins University.
- West Baltimore Engagement Report
- West Baltimore Data Access and Use Report
- General smart city guide with lessons from other cities, First Things First: Laying the Foundation for a Smart City Report, produced by the project's JHU Team (includes Baltimore elements)
- July 12th West Baltimore NSF Summary Workshop Agenda
- 3 PowerPoint Presentations (Sheri Parks, Katherine Klosek, Seema Iyer)
- Crowdsourced Data Tools Collective created at Baltimore Data Day with BNIA
- Key Findings & Recommendations
- City of Baltimore 2018-2023 Digital Transformation Strategic Plan
Resident Comments (Additional Resources):
- Graphic Renderings of Resident Comments
- Internal News Story on Conversations with Residents
- UMD Student Film inspired by Conversations with Residents
Media Coverage:
- Greater Baltimore Community Housing Resource Board's "Living in Baltimore" Radio Show
- Baltimore Sun: "Free WiFi, public safety key to turning Baltimore into a 'smart city,' residents say" 7-12-18
- Baltimore Business Journal: "A smart city goes beyond free Wi-Fi — here's what West Baltimore residents want to see" 7-12-18
- Baltimore Business Journal: "What Baltimore can learn from other 'smart cities'" 7-13-18
- Smart Cities World: "Turning Baltimore into a smart city" 7-13-18
- Maryland Daily Record: "Baltimore grapples with including poor residents in smart city ambitions" 7-12-18
- Smart Cities Dive "For some Baltimore residents, a smart city simply means more Wi-Fi access" 7-13-18
- Smart Cities Dive: "For many US cities, the digital divide is more than an infrastructure problem" 7-16-18
- UMD News Release: “Team of Researchers Led by UMD are Engaging Communities in Baltimore’s Smart City Transformation”

The Team
Gerrit Knaap
Vanessa Frias-Martinez
Other Members:
Andre Robinson
Ariel Bierbaum
Azalee Fisher
Bethany Swain
Beth Blauer
Cheryl Knott
Cierra Kaler-Jones
Gail Sunderman
Katherine Klosek
Kevin Kornegay
Lauren Stamm
Seema Iyer
Sheri Parks
Samantha Shimer
Shonte Eldridge
Wanda Best
Willie Thompson
Willow Lung-Amam