Transportation Focus Area

The NCSG’s Transportation focus area investigates solutions to complex problems raised by the interactions of transportation and land use. Working with state and local officials, the transportation faculty and staff develop and apply analytic methods to better understand the complex relationships between transportation, land use, and economic development. Issues that the NCSG typically addresses include exploring methods of congestion relief, the use of multi-modal alternatives to reduce automobile dependency and congestion, how transportation influences economic development and the impact of alternative land use patterns on the transportation system. The NCSG also examines land use and transportation impacts on the environment. With respect to these wide-ranging activities, the NCSG not only engages in analytical modeling and the development of policy alternatives, but also works with public officials and other stakeholders on policy implementation, ensuring that procedures developed in the NCSG’s academic laboratory move smoothly from analysis to policy development and into practice. Most recently, the NCSG has worked closely with the Maryland Department of Transportation and other state agencies on these and related issues.

Transportation Faculty and Staff

Sample Projects

Sample Research and Papers