
Pope Farm Expansion Project
  • Course Number: INAG 248
  • Term: Spring 2021
  • Project: Report



Making Parks Attractive to New Generations


Parks and Open Space: A Supply and Demand Analysis


Pokemon go to the Park


Planing for the Future: Montgomery County Parks


People, Parks and PCs (Park of the Future)


Are Parks Profitable: An Economic Impact Study


Community Gardens for the Whole Community


Brookside Gardens' Storm Water Brook


Brookside Gardens Stroll for Wellness


Minority Outreach and Implementation Plan


Messaging Sustainability for Environmental Health


Grey Water: What is it good for


Sustainable Stormwater: Harvesting and Reuse


21st Century Locust Grove Nature Center


360° of trails


What Wood it take? How to combat Invasive Tree Pests


Bugging Residents to Report Invasive Insects


Creating Connections Between Environmental and Human Health and Messaging a Call to Pro-Environmental Action