NCSG pairs with MDOT to launch pandemic travel survey
COVID-19 has impacted many of our normal routines and behaviors. The Transportation Policy Research Group of the National Center for Smart... -
Profs. Lung-Amam, Knaap, and Bierbaum featured on the Urban Institute’s Housing Matters
Professor Willow Lung-Amam’s paper, co-authored with UMD Professors Gerrit Knaap and Ariel Bierbaum, was recently featured on the Urban... -
Maryland DHCD releases NCSG-led Housing Needs Assessment
A new report by the University of Maryland’s National Center for Smart Growth and Enterprise Community Partners finds that affordable housing... -
Dr. Sevgi Erdogan to participate on panel discussion about non-car transportation in DC suburbs
Street Justice is hosting a panel discussion — Non-Car Transportation in the DC’s Suburbs; Challenges and Ideas — on Wednesday,... -
Prof. Irazabal in Critica Urbana: Black lives matter! Latinx and POC lives matter!
Prof. Clara Irazabal has contributed a new piece on racial justice in Critica Urbana. In 2020, Black, Latinx, People of Color (POC), and white... -
Prof. Lung-Amam authors Citylab piece on racial justice in a new Biden administration
For many Black and brown Americans, 2021 brought renewed optimism about advancing a racial justice agenda. With a new presidential administration,...