Three reasons why NOT to build a dog park in Columbia Heights
UPDATE: DC Council made their $2.1 million bid for the lot in support of the dog park in early February. The lot is on the open market until... -
Story mapping drives meaningful engagement in disadvantaged communities
Community developers and planners have long recognized the value of storytelling to engage communities. Yet, in working with disadvantaged... -
Urban redevelopment of this Maryland suburb is a model of equity for immigrant populations
In a case study of Wheaton, Maryland, NCSG Director of Community Development Willow Lung-Amam explores “urban-like” development patterns... -
Transit Development Grant to Bolster Development and Accessibility Planning for Purple Line Corridor
A two million-dollar grant from the Federal Transit Administration will jumpstart a plan to coordinate transit-oriented development, infrastructure,... -
Presentation calls for engaging low-income citizens in the adoption of smart city technology
NCSG Director Gerrit-Jan Knaap presented at the 11th Annual Dupont Summit on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy in December 2018.... -
“Blueprint for Regional Mobility” includes research from NSCG faculty
NCSG faculty members Frederick Ducca, Sevgi Erdogan, Gerrit-Jan Knaap, Kim Fisher, and Uri Avin provided critical research, technical, and...