John Griffin Joins UMD’s National Center for Smart Growth
Former O’Malley Chief of Staff John Griffin joins the National Center for Smart Growth as a Center Affiliate. An award-winning conservationist, Griffin holds an extensive resume of environmental work for the state, tackling issues ranging from Bay restoration and sustainable fishing practices to the development of green jobs. He served as Governor O’Malley’s chief of staff from 2013 until the end of his term in 2015. Prior to joining O’Malley’s camp, he was the Department of Natural Resources Secretary for nearly a decade and has served on over 60 committees and commissions that focus on Maryland’s environmental health, including the Governor’s Executive Council and the Smart Growth Subcabinet.
As a center affiliate, John will lend his vast knowledge of state and environmental policy, as well as best practices to assist with research on a number of environmental issues, including climate change and the Chesapeake Bay. He will also participate in the on-going efforts by the NCSG to forward sustainable development and opportunity in Baltimore.
“We are honored to have John join our team,” said Gerrit Knaap, Director of the Center. “He brings with him a depth of experience and knowledge that will impact our work in very positive ways.”
Megaregions: Surfing the Wave of the Future (2016 TRB Workshop / Session 161)
The concept of megaregions has gained increasing prominence in the transportation sector in the past decade, with formal recognition through the Transportation Research Board (TRB) resulting in the establishment of a Megaregions Subcommittee (ADA20(1)). The subcommittee and FHWA sponsored a workshop on Sunday, January 10, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Washington Convention Center. The workshop presented emerging research and practitioner perspectives on megaregions. Participants discussed the political, economic, and technical issues that must be overcome to address transportation at a megaregions scale.
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