Purple Line Corridor Coalition (PLCC) – NCSG  

Purple Line Corridor Coalition (PLCC)

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The Purple Line Corridor Coalition (PLCC) is a partnership of regional stakeholders across Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties working to ensure that investments in the MTA’s planned light rail, the Purple Line, will offer the maximum economic, social, and environmental opportunities to the residents and businesses along the corridor. Formed in 2013 by the University of Maryland’s National Center for Smart Growth (NCSG), the PLCC seeks to identify methods for preservation and economic growth, revitalizing and stabilizing neighborhoods, preserving community assets, supporting small businesses, connecting workers to jobs and creating healthy and vibrant communities. Sourcing a mix of stakeholder input, research and regional data trends from the NCSG and models from cities across North America, the PLCC is helping to guide the actions of stakeholders, developers and government.

Learn more about our approach and strategy for building a bright future along the Purple Line.