Study Products
Smarter Roads, Smarter Cars, Smarter Growth?
This downloadable 24-page report is the main product of this effort. It presents the key findings and recommendations of the analysis and includes several appendices.
The SILO Land Use Model
This is a technical description of the SILO model which allocates future residential land use and interacts with the travel demand model to capture the land use effects of changes in travel behavior.
Modeling Documentation
This describes the models used in the analysis in more detail than in the report, modification made to the models, the modeling process and the scenario parameters.
This includes the complete results for GHG, Transit and Travel Behavior modeling.
** Click to expand data tables
The following tables present the full datasets for travel related indicators for this study. The MSTM Only results are from using only the four step travel model. The MSTM + SILO results reflect outcomes from running the travel model and land use model interactively to capture the population shifts that respond to changes in accessibility and other features of SILO (see website description of SILO).
The results include some data not shown in the report: Toll Lane ($.00) show results for adding the four lanes without any tolls applied in both the Non AV and 25% AV conditions. Toll Lane ($.40) show the results with the toll applied, which are presented in the report.
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The following tables present the full datasets for travel related indicators for this study. The MSTM Only results are from using only the four-step travel model. The MSTM + SILO results reflect outcomes from running the travel model and land use model interactively to capture the population shifts that respond to changes in accessibility and other features of SILO (see website description of SILO). The results include some data not shown in the report: Toll Lane ($.00) show results for adding the four lanes without any tolls applied in both the Non AV and 25% AV conditions. Toll Lane ($.40) show the results with the toll applied, which are presented in the report.
I270 I495
- Gerrit Knaap
- Uri Avin
- Sevgi Erdogan